
We are EasyRx powered! Whether you are sending a scan, impression or model, this powerful program makes prescription writing as easy as a few clicks of the mouse, reducing common errors like confusing or indecipherable prescriptions. It is so much more than that as well.

EasyRx is cloud based, so there is no installation or downloads necessary. It is accessible from a computer or a chair side tablet. You can use our templates or we can design practice specific templates just for you and your standard appliances. Parts templates allows for modifications of the designs.

EasyRx tracks, stores and integrates your prescriptions with practice management systems. A few clicks of the mouse will bring up past prescriptions and scans. HIPAA compliant, it saves all data for seven years and provides a secure, accessible and reliable paperless storage system—including your STL files.

The basic prescription can be a bit overwhelming as it shows all of the options that we offer. Many of our doctors have “standard” appliances, so they just write “Upper and Lower Hawleys” on the script and we work from masters to fabricate the appliances they want. We are more than happy to set up practice specific templates particularly for your office, you “masters.”

A new, powerful feature has been recently added: iTero auto attach and STL scrubber. Imperfect scans are automatically “scrubbed” saving you time and money.

Check out www.easyrxortho.com for more information.